Table 1: xPico Wi-Fi Embedded Device Server Components
xPico Serial Number
Also the module MAC Address. The last six digits are used in the
default SSID for Soft AP mode.
u.FL Socket
Used to connect either the SMA antenna cable or the alternative
PCB strip antenna to the xPico Wi-Fi Module.
If using External antenna attach at this point.
Power switch, turns power on and off to the Evaluation PCB.
Mini-USB socket used for connecting power to the Evaluation Kit or
to connect to the xPico module serial port 2 via an on-board USB to
serial converter
JP19 (pin 1 +, pin 2 GND)
Battery Port (2.2 to 5.5V) provides power to the xPico Wi-Fi Module
via on board DC to DC converter.
DB9 for Serial Port 1
JP11 and JP12
Leave JP11 and JP12 open for RS232 mode on serial port 1. Install
jumper on JP11 for RS422 (4-wire) mode. Install JP11 and JP12 for
RS485 (2 wire mode)
Serial Port 1 break-out header. Leave jumpers installed to route
module signals to J3 DB9 serial port
JP8 and JP9
Serial Port 2 RS232 header. Pin 1 TX(out), pin 2 GND, pin 3 RX(in)
Jumpers for serial port 2 selection, install positions 1 to 2 to route
serial port 2 to JP18 RS232 port. Install positions 2 to 3 to route
serial port 2 to J5 USB to serial converter port.
USB device port (xPico Wi-Fi only)
RJ45 Ethernet Socket. This is not used with the xPico Wi-Fi module,
it can be used if a xPico serial to Ethernet Device Server module is
used in place of the xPico Wi-Fi
JP14, JP15
Voltage test pins. Monitor only. JP14 is 3.3V and JP15 is Ground
Connecting an xPico Wi-Fi Device
Connecting Power to the xPico Wi-Fi Evaluation Module
There are five methods of providing power to the Evaluation Kit PCB. Use one of the
methods below.
1. Connect the provided universal power supply with mini-USB connector to J5.
2. Connect the USB to serial converter port J5 to a PC USB host port
3. Connect the USB device port J6 to a PC USB Host Port (xPico Wi-Fi only)
4. Connect a battery pack or external power supply (2.2V to 5.5V) between JP19 pin 1
(+) and JP19 pin 2 (-)
5. Connect Ethernet Port to a Power over Ethernet complaint PSE source (xPico
module only)
xPico™ Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide